I got an impressive amount of 3Ding done during this unplanned week off. No money and bad weather combined perfectly for reasoning not to do much else.

The only issue with these multi Dinosaur pictures is they take a lot of time. My new skeletonal rigs take a lot of my puters thinking capacity, and the feathers on the Raptors grind it further to a halt. So by the end of today I was getting sick of working on them, and with only 1.5 incomplete pics for the first part of the Attack, I decided to take a brainless break.

Obviously its not finished, but this was a mere twoish hours (not really focused either). However I might finish it up and stick it in Delta Patrol as a tribute to my second favourite space epic universe of all time (my first being Firefly).
Let me know what you think you Trekkies out there. I'm going for a more militaristic and armoured look, Starfleet Battles/Defiant if you follow
1 comment:
Nice Enterprise - looks very much like the new movie one. I think adding it to Delta Patrol is a great idea! Haha! It's not like we will release Delta and get sued by Paramount, so I say GO FOR IT! In fact, why don't we add any other franchised ship into Delta as well?! What about Serenity, the Falcon, x-wings, borg cubes, the last starfighter, a Delorian, and thet ship from starship troopers!
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