As was foreshadowed in the beginning of the End TM things here in New Zealand were going to deconstruct, and done so they have.
It all ended in the midst of explosions, and this time I'm not hyperbolizing or being dramatic. There were actual explosions all around Dunedin... due to
Guy Fawkes Day
Showing just how "British" NZ still is there were full on celebrations of the guy who tried to blow up the British Parliament several hundred years ago. What this entails around Dunedin anyway is every university flat (apartment) that still has residents to go and buy tons of fireworks and setting them off throughout the night.
We by chance accident were out hunting vampires that same night (hence Clare with stake er uh cricket wicket), and saw much of the festivities.
Despite the pretty lights and loud noises not all was joyful in the world of Dunedin. For you see all of us had various woes, but I get ahead of myself... this was the end of the story. First the leadin
The Middle's Beginning
I'd spent the weeks lead up to the middle of the end planning like a madman for my 10 day posting (this means I needed a lesson plan for EVERYTHING I'd do in the classroom for 10day. In the end this amassed a collection of some 146 plans). Now as we all know paperwork and organization is NOT my strong point...
However I needed a most organized binder for my posting. I had to drain all my surrounding organization energy to pump into the binder. As a result the rest of my room was well this. A record unclean for even me. My floor was (okay nearly still is) pure paper. Not a bare patch of carpet to be seen.
It was worth it though. The head of the program on the final check and inspection of the binder "jokingly" asked who I stole the binder off due to its pristine nature. I'll get a pic of it up soon. It truly is amazing I of all people put it together... but at a cost LOL
Now as I'm sure many of you know I've had something border lining a chronic addiction to Vanilla Coke since its introduction in 2002. It had stopped being made in Canada for the last few years for some reason, but arriving in NZ I was delighted to discover it was being made in 600ml bottles! The catch only this size which is proportionally the most expensive (my theory on how they can make a profit off the flavour). I've been trying to resist, and apart from vacations I'd been doing good until this planning crunch.
I'm back on a bottle a day. Which though a tiny fraction of what I used to drink in the great white north when it was on tap at 7/11, but it is still an addiction.
So I'm going to up my efforts to end the Jonsing...
An unexpected treat was meeting with my recruiter (who set off this whole adventure a year and a half ago... man that seems like a lifetime ago!) was receiving a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup! I haven't had one since Canada cause they don't do peanut butter things here (their actual peanut butter is different and gross!).
Back to the Story
So the big event that marks the middle of the End TM is the departure of all the normal uni people around the hall. We Ed graduate people are an odd bunch we started a month before everyone, and end a month after everyone. Meaning the hall was empty when we moved in, and is now close to empty again for the End TM of our courses.
Most notable departure was of course Rhonwyn. She left exactly 2 days (she claims 1) after our 6 month anniversary. I can't claim any romantic awards for this event. I was up to my eyeballs with teaching so nothing particularly special happened. In my defense I did manage to take her to dinner a few days before on the weekend.
Another notable disappearance was the German (this photo being taken about 3 minutes before I saw him for the last time till next year).
Andy flew out on the same plane as Rhonwyn so that day was a big hit to our social group. In fact to be precious it was the near extinction of it. All that remains is me and Clare (who is sticking around to work... she like me has had an insane week. Her finals have all been this week so I've had company in my misery at least)

Needless to say emotions were high surrounding these events... and you're all probably thinking what an ass I am for taking a picture of Rhonwyn crying. Well jokes on her, and well you. This is her actually laughing at a really bad joke I told about the German the night before they left. I just posted it as a proxy of the sadness...

Well okay I'm a little bit of a dick. I also faked a crying picture just so that I can claim to be a new age sensitive guy... oh yeah probably shouldn't have said that part than...
The End of the Middle of the End TM
So now I'm mostly on my own dealing with the drain, strain, and uh brain of the End TM. Clare has kindly been letting me watch some Farscape when we both have spare moments in the busy schedule (last night being the first time multiple eps were watched).
Otherwise I must devise solutions to this problem on my own. Which can be well kinda bizarre to the average civilian...
Captain Windo the wind up Tyrannosaur Skeleton thinks I should stop wasting time blogging, and do some marking. Frankly I can't argue with his insistent mechanical logic (even if it stops after 30 seconds until he's wound again).
The End TM marches on.
I'm safely over the halfway on my posting. When that is over 2 last homework assignments. Than my parents arrive for the End of the End TM.
So till than I'm ending the Middle of the End TM...
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