I figured since I'm planning a big 2009 progress portfolio I'd post the complete version of my Sauropod piece.

Of course I'm very proud of the shading and textures on these guys. As you can follow in my live blogging efforts these guys represent a new method of shading I will be following from now on. I'm not pleased with the stretching of the shader of the right Brachi's neck though...
I AM very happy with the poses and positioning of the Brachiosaurs, especially my two fighters. The one on the left, with his sideways bending neck, proved quite difficult to get just right. Fortunately my skeletal system was quite adaptive (I'm learning more bones is best... though it can take longer to pose something).
I wish I'd had more time to fix up the forest a bit. The clearing is a little too much of a clearing if that makes sense.
Oh well, something for the next gallery... speaking of which I guess I should get on that. I'm thinking a series of 3 underwater environments. Possibly with a New Zealand flavour as I prepare to leave this country once and for all... If only I could think of a third distinctly different underwater setting from here. They don't have many fossils from before the Cretaceous!
Even if you aren't entirely satisfied, I still believe you've done a great job!
i think that that pic is ASAlomaKoolusucusAMazing!
I'll echo Albertonykus, you've done a great job, in my opinion! We are all fans of yours, man! Keep up the great work!!
BTW-Do you mind if I borrow this piece for my Artwork of the Day post? I'd like to give you a little more publicity. :) Although.....I am aware of me crossing you wrong and us getting off on the wrong foot multiple times, but I hope that doesn't affect your decision making. :P
Thanks for the encounragement guys.
I'm a very chronic perfectionist with my work, so I'll take the kind words as motivation to keep up the work. Yet I will not be happy till I match a quality probably unmatchable by a single person outside of a special effects studio...
Raptor- Yes you may use my piece. Thank you for the consideration
You don't have to keep mentioning "us getting off on the wrong foot multiple times". So long as you stop doing the two or three things I (and PIP) have asked you not to do, then there will be no more problems. Thank you.
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