Well it's slightly old news, but one of my job search leads came to an end the other day. Sadly it is in the vein of the Dinosaur Park outcome. Which is a trend I want to stop pronto in my employment efforts.

Otago Museum opted to inform me through
a letter, that they did not require my services. I suppose it could have been worse. They could have interviewed me and than told me I needed more experience with children... So this could be me climbing away from the DPP thing, and back into the black.
Hang in there man!
There may not be a gazillion museums in the world, but you can always re-apply to the same place.
There's this international publication, like a contest that I've entered 5 times over the last 7 years. The jury changes each year, and people who are selected get their artwork published, contact info printed in the book, and they distribute it to book editors, ad agencies, movie people...
So far I have not gotten in. I try again each year anyway.
Hang in there. Your intelligence and enthusiasm will pay off.
Listen to your friends - they are wise.
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