So a quick recap. At the end of June both myself and Lady R wrapped up our life in Canada (the downed economy was hitting us both pretty hard), and went on a catch up visit/wedding celebration trip to Australia. Hanging around R's old haunt for two months we were starting to get very worried about what the future held in store for us.
I'd had a (what seemed like) successful interview for a teaching position in Hong Kong back in March. However as of the end of August still no word from them (in fact here somewhat into October, I'm still getting emails saying they MIGHT be hiring this fall... grrrrrr). As we were beginning to give up hope, one of R's friends here in HK sent out a generic call looking for a teacher willing to relocate to Hong Kong...
So with that custom made call/job, we relocated from Hobart to Hong Kong in 4 days. Less than 24 hours after that I was in the classroom teaching... A bit intense, but way better than my Canada job, let me tell you!
Now a bit over a month into it all, I finally have proper internet at home, and can now share all my adventures!
In a nutshell Hong Kong is awesome. Like everywhere it has its great points, but also like everywhere it has its detractors. I hope to present these on here as they come up.
Here I am modelling some of the cool stuff I've been picking up (even just because we could never afford to do anything like this in Canada!)...
I suspect there will be many posts just about the markets, and the cool/odd/amount of stuff they sell...
I will get around to some posts about the neighborhood and area soon...
Cool to hear from you!
Thanks. It is good to be back!
I wish I could deny an addiction to the web, but I'd be lying!
The past month has been tough let me tell you.
Good to see things are turning out great!
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