Feb 24, 2008

The Clown

In the midst of looking up Maths objectives on the web I was invited to be a fan of the Loose Moose Theatre troupe on facebook. Checking out their fan site I discovered they have pictures of the clown I was forced to kiss after my DPP interview.

So there she is in all her glory. Apparently they have a show called Blind Date in which some poor sap gets to do the same routine I did as the WHOLE show! Good thing I got the short version that night.


Rebecca said...

As the "Clown in all her glory"....I can assure you that I never choose a "poor sap" from the audience (you should know that, afterall, I picked you for a rehearsal!)....In any case - all the guys seem to have quite a good time. I do TRY to take care of them and make them as safe as possible.... Come and check it out - there's only one weekend left, and I never pick people I know, or who've been "up there" before....You'll be able to sit back and enjoy.


California Will said...

Only you could complain about being 'forced' to kiss a pretty young woman.