Mar 15, 2007

The End of an Era... The Beginning of a New

How ironic that in the wake of my camp outing here in New Zealand, and the slight call/yearning to be back at camp that a HUGE bit of news and events has transpired at Badlands Science Camp.

So to begin with I do and must certainly WILL miss BSC. I am not saying however I regret my to coming over to New Zealand. I just wish I could be in two places at once is all LOL.
Definitely in my top 3 aspects of homesick is the absence of Camp Team: Extreme! in my life. Now this has been a major factor since camp ended in September 06. At that time it looked like camp was going to be devoid of the majority of us minus Tyler.

Well things have changed on that mark quite a lot. It's a bad news good news scenario:

The Bad News (from a camp ONLY perspective!)

The big kahuna Mr. T himself is NO longer the coordinator of camp!!! That's right strongman himself has seen his last science intro (granted so has Traum, but it was SM that carried the bit I assure you)...

Now this situation has been labelled as bad news, but in reality this is only from a Camp Team: Extreme! point of view (and as the Team is already kinda dead dead with me and Peter both overseas). The cause of this "tragic" situation.

Tyler has just been promoted to a high tear management position at the museum! That's right he goes from middle management to a high paying secure government one! Sweet as (we'd say down under).

I'm super happy for him, and this is fantastic news. Just not from a camp perspective. Or is it?

Well then if this was "bad" news what might cause Craig to think that. Well the counter effect of this development was the appointment of a new Science Camp Coordinator, and their being picked couldn't be more worth of being labelled:

The Good News

Don't look so surprised there Amy. I couldn't think of a better candidate!

That's right ladies and gentlemen. I present to you Amy Carlson second master and commander of Badlands Science Camp!

To her and the future crew of camp I wish my very best in their exploits this summer of 07. Under her leadership I know that it'll be smooth sailing (due to her rainbow belt in camping). I'll be present in spirit and definitely Legacy. The amount of programs and materials I made last year should more then outlast any of the fossils at the museum.

If you have a 9-12 year old science or adventure enthusiast be sure to check out Badlands Science Camps website as a possible summer destination for them here in 07.


Peter Bond said...

It is a time of change certainly, but Amy will do a great job. Go get'em tiger!

I also liked how you seamlessly edited me into the camp crew picture! I can't believe we never took a good one with all four of us in it.

Onwards and upwards!

Anonymous said...

Thanks boys!
I really appreciate your support in my new appointment. Camp won't be the same without you. But it will be amazing and different!