Dec 3, 2006

Our First (and only) Short

So this next video warrants some special explanation. More just because it represents a unique point in Prehistoric Insanity's history.

The year was 2004, and thus far me and Dan had made the stupid long and not overly great staff video the year before (the movie from which the other clips have all been from thus far)...

The Staff Training Video was on the edge of completion, and we were in the middle of planning a new movie for 2004 with our new conspirator in crime Peter... While attempting to plan for a possible palaeontology spy spoof (based loosely on a play at the museum) Peter and Dan grabbed the camera and chased the two resident cats around the mansion (me and Peter seriously lived in mansion that year!)

Peter then sat down at my computer edited and narrated together this little piece. Ironically the spy movie idea won't ever fly, and it would be 2 more months before before we got on the filming ball to start what would become our most infamous production... The Hardcore Apocalypse After Next Tuesday...


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! That was disturbingly cute. Is there a Cat Bodyguard school? Question is who to enroll Jack or Merlin

Kirstin said...

I want to hire Dan as my 'subject'

Peter Bond said...

Finally, the film that made us famous!
The shoot was surprisingly simple, except remembering the cat's names, eh Dan?

Anonymous said...

Well, Peter, as you claim to have "written" this short, maybe I would have remembered their names if you actually wrote a script! I don't need to take this crap! I'll be in my trailer!

Michael Hoskin said...

Hey, I thought the murderer was destroyed? He was walking around at the end of the movie! Continuity error! Continuity error! I watched the movie good!